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Which Clanspect do you belong to?

This is a fun little quiz about clanspects (clan/aspect) from my small little worldbuilding.

There are 12 clanspects, and they all say a lot about a person - their personality, attitudes and even ancestry (within my universe, of course.)
Your result will be met with the name of clanspect and an explaination on what is it.

Which keyword describes your attitude best?

Your companion needs help with homework, and you know all the answers to it. What do you do?

If you were to choose a place to live in, where would you move?

You open a fridge to get something to eat. What do you get?

What is your favorite color?

What do you think is the most significant issue society is currently facing?

What happens when your alarm goes off?

When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grow up?

What is your greatest fear?

What words would you pass to your childhood self?

If you had to do it over again, what would you study in school?

What will your referee say is your biggest weakness?